Risotto with wild mushrooms , and sirloin steak


This recipe serve 2 people


  • two handful of rice (risotto rice)
  • 20gr dried porcini
  • 100gr of fresh or 20gr dried chanterelles
  • 1 small shallot
  • 4 Tablespoon butter
  • 600ml nice chicken or beef stock 
  • 1 medium sirloin steak
  • teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 garlic
  • 40gr parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 chilli (optional)
  • salt and papper



First you need to mince the shallot and garlic and sweat them in a pan on medium heat with tablespoon of butter. In the meantime cut the mushrooms and add into a same pan. After minute add rice and stir all together and wait to rice soak up all the juices. Add the aromatic water from the mushrooms and stir with wooden spoon , because you can break the rice with metal spoon and you don’t wan’t that. When rice soak up the juices add one more ladle of chicken stock and repeat the process couple of times, stiring all the time until the rice become tender. When you add the last ladle od stock at the moment add the butter and cheese and mix all together to get nice consistency , put the lid on and leave it to rest for 3,4 minutes. While rissoto is resting grill the steak. (How to properly grill a steak you can see here: https://goo.gl/a2tYsT/) . Check if you need a little bit more salt and papper , sprinkle a little bit more parmesan on the top and you are done. This is classic recipe from North Italy. Enjoy


Rižoto sa vrganjima

Recept je za dve osobe


  • dve šake pirinča za rižoto
  • 20g sušenih vrganja
  • 100gr svežih lisičarki ili 20gr sušenih
  • 1 srednja šnicla ramsteka
  • 1 mali luk
  • 4 kašike putera
  • 600ml fine pileće ili govedje supe
  • 1 kašičica muškatnih oraščića
  • 1 beli luk
  • 40g parmezana
  • 1/2 chili (opciono)
  • so i biber


Prvo propžite beli i crni luk u puteru , i sa strane prelijte vrganje vrelom vodom. Nakon par minuta dodajte pirinač u tiganj i pržite ga minut , a zatim dodajte natopljene vrganje sa svom svojom vodom. Dodavanjem i vode koja je ostala od vrganja dobijate na ukusu. Rižoto konstantno mešajte i pazite da koristite drvenu kutlaču za mešanje. Kada pirinač upije sav sok dodajte mu novu kutljaču vruće supe i tako postupak ponavljajte dok ne dobijete kremastu strukturu pirinča , odnosno dok ne postane mekan. Nakon dodavanja poslednje kutlače supe narendajte parmezan dodajte još malo putera i poklopite rižoto da odstoji na 3,4 minuta. Za to vreme ispecite ramstek. Proverite da li ste dobro začinili rižoto , narendajte još malo parmezana i spremni ste za serviranje. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

18 thoughts on “Risotto with wild mushrooms , and sirloin steak

  1. Last year at a friend’s home I was served a pumpkin risotto. It had a bit of pesto and along side some chutney. The flavours all combined to blow you away! As for the meat, you can keep that as it just doesn’t suit me. 😉

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